

SafeFn exposes a few type that could be useful when working with it.

Action Result

These are the types related to the result of calling an action created with .createAction() directly from the client. When using the useServerAction hook, this is automatically converted into NeverThrow's types.


Used for constructing an action error. Takes in the error type.

type MyActionErr = ActionErr<{
  code: "DB_ERROR";
  cause: string;
const myActionErr: MyActionErr = {
  ok: false,
  error: {
    code: "DB_ERROR";
    cause: string;


Used for constructing an action ok. Takes in the data type.

type MyActionOk = ActionOk<{
  name: string;
  age: number;
const myActionOk: MyActionOk = {
  ok: true,
  value: {
    name: "John",
    age: 20,


Used for creating an action result. Takes in the possible Ok and Err types.

type MyActionResult = ActionResult<MyActionOk, MyActionErr>;



Infers the arguments that need to be passed to the function returned by createAction().

const myAction = createSafeFn()
  .input(z.object({ name: z.string() }))
type MyActionArgs = InferSafeFnActionArgs<typeof myAction>;
//   ^ {name: string}


Infers the error type of an action.

const myAction = createSafeFn()
  .catch(() => err("ooh no" as const))
type MyActionError = InferSafeFnActionError<typeof myAction>;
//   ^ "ooh no"


Infers the ok type of an action.

const myAction = createSafeFn()
  .handler(() => ok("Yay!" as const))
type MyActionOk = InferSafeFnActionOkData<typeof myAction>;
//   ^ "Yay!"


Infers the return type of an action when calling it directly. When using the useServerAction hook, this is automatically converted into NeverThrow's types.

const myAction = createSafeFn()
  .handler(() => "Yay!" as const)
  .catch(() => "ooh no" as const);
type MyActionReturn = InferSafeFnActionReturn<typeof myAction>;
//   ^ ActionResult<"Yay!", "ooh no">

Infers the return type of an action.


Infers the arguments that need to be passed into .run()

const mySafeFn = createSafeFn()
  .input(z.object({ name: z.string() }))
type MySafeFnArgs = InferSafeFnArgs<typeof mySafeFn>;
//   ^ {name: string}


Infers the error type of a SafeFn when using .run(). Boolean parameter is used to specify if the function is run as an action or not.

const mySafeFn = createSafeFn()
  .catch(() => "ooh no" as const);
type MySafeFnError = InferSafeFnErrError<typeof mySafeFn, true>;
//   ^ "ooh no"


Infers the ok type of a SafeFn when using .run().

const mySafeFn = createSafeFn().handler(() => ok("Yay!" as const));
type MySafeFnOk = InferSafeFnOkData<typeof mySafeFn>;
//   ^ "Yay!"


Infers the return type of a SafeFn when using .run(). Boolean parameter is used to specify if the function is run as an action or not. This is the ResultAsync type, this can be converted into a Result type by wrapping it in Await

const mySafeFn = createSafeFn()
  .handler(() => "Yay!" as const)
  .catch(() => "ooh no" as const);
type MySafeFnReturn = InferSafeFnReturn<typeof mySafeFn, false>;
//   ^ ResultAsync<"Yay!", "ooh no">
type MyAwaitedSafeFnReturn = Awaited<MySafeFnReturn>;
//   ^ Result<"Yay!", "ooh no">
type MySafeFnActionReturn = InferSafeFnReturn<typeof mySafeFn, true>;
//   ^ Promise<ActionResult<"Yay!", "ooh no">>
type MyAwaitedActionSafeFnReturn = Awaited<MySafeFnReturn>;
//   ^ ActionResult<"Yay!", "ooh no">

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